Interra KNX - DALI Gateway
DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) is part of the internationally recognized IEC 62386 standard, the ZVEI-German electrical and electronics manufacturers' association.
The DALI interface is a protocol for digital communication between stand-behind lighting devices and controllers.
- It is used to interface between DALI and KNX installations.
- The DALI interface standard is a protocol for digital communication between lighting devices and controllers.
- Feedback on the KNX line can be sent and the scenario functions can be controlled.
- Compatible with DALI-2 and incorporating innovative features.
- It supplies devices connected to the DALI line with the built-in DALI power supply.
- There are 2 DALI channels and each DALI channel can control 64 devices, 16 groups and 16 scenarios.
- Each DALI device can be individually, group and broadcast controlled.
- Visualization and control operations can be done via web server.
Hardware Specifications
- 230 VAC 50 Hz ± 5%
- 2xDALI Port + DALI Line Supply (2x250 mA)
- 2x16 Character LCD Display
- 1x Ethernet Port
- 1xKNX Port
- 1xUSB
- User Warning LEDs
- Manual Control Buttons
- KNX programming pushbutton and LED
- DALI Line Short Circuit Protection and 230 VAC voltage protection for each DALI output
- 100% electrically isolated architecture
- Compliance with EMC, LVD and RoHS standards
Software features
Stallation, control and monitoring of the DALI line via KNX and Ethernet
Manual addressing and control of the DALI line via the device
64 devices, 16 groups and 16 scenarios for each DALI output (2x64, 2x16 and 2x16 for 2 channels).
Remote software update via Ethernet connection
DALI line device change feature with manual button
Single, group, broadcast, emergency * and tunable white * (Type 8) DALI device control
Control of DALI devices via built-in web server *
KNX programming pushbutton and LED
Defective ballast and lighting notification
Field addressing and control over ETS without the need for extra software
1x64 Output
- 1 DALI output for up to 64 DALI devices
- 16 DALI Group
- 64 single DALI
- 64 Emergency Inverter (self-contained emergency devices in accordance with EN 62386-202)
- 16 lighting scenes
- Flexible combination at a DALI output
- Single / Group / KNX control and monitoring
2x64 Output
- 2x DALI output with complete and equivalent functionality
- 2x 16 flexible DALI group control
- 2x64 flexible DALI single control
- 2x 64 Independent emergency lighting (according to DALI standard EN 62386-202 Type 1)
- 2x16 lighting scene
- Flexible combination of two DALI outputs
- Single / Group control and KNX monitoring