Interra KNX - DALI Gateway

DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) is part of the internationally recognized IEC 62386 standard, the ZVEI-German electrical and electronics manufacturers' association.

The DALI interface is a protocol for digital communication between stand-behind lighting devices and controllers.

  • It is used to interface between DALI and KNX installations.
  • The DALI interface standard is a protocol for digital communication between lighting devices and controllers.
  • Feedback on the KNX line can be sent and the scenario functions can be controlled.
  • Compatible with DALI-2 and incorporating innovative features.
  • It supplies devices connected to the DALI line with the built-in DALI power supply.
  • There are 2 DALI channels and each DALI channel can control 64 devices, 16 groups and 16 scenarios.
  • Each DALI device can be individually, group and broadcast controlled.
  • Visualization and control operations can be done via web server.

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Hardware Specifications

  • 230 VAC 50 Hz ± 5%
  • 2xDALI Port + DALI Line Supply (2x250 mA)
  • 2x16 Character LCD Display
  • 1x Ethernet Port
  • 1xKNX Port
  • 1xUSB
  • User Warning LEDs
  • Manual Control Buttons
  • KNX programming pushbutton and LED
  • DALI Line Short Circuit Protection and 230 VAC voltage protection for each DALI output
  • 100% electrically isolated architecture
  • Compliance with EMC, LVD and RoHS standards

Software features

  • Stallation, control and monitoring of the DALI line via KNX and Ethernet

  • Manual addressing and control of the DALI line via the device

  • 64 devices, 16 groups and 16 scenarios for each DALI output (2x64, 2x16 and 2x16 for 2 channels).

  • Remote software update via Ethernet connection

  • DALI line device change feature with manual button

  • Single, group, broadcast, emergency * and tunable white * (Type 8) DALI device control

  • Control of DALI devices via built-in web server *

  • KNX programming pushbutton and LED

  • Defective ballast and lighting notification

  • Field addressing and control over ETS without the need for extra software

1x64 Output

  • 1 DALI output for up to 64 DALI devices
  • 16 DALI Group
  • 64 single DALI
  • 64 Emergency Inverter (self-contained emergency devices in accordance with EN 62386-202)
  • 16 lighting scenes
  • Flexible combination at a DALI output
  • Single / Group / KNX control and monitoring

2x64 Output

  • 2x DALI output with complete and equivalent functionality
  • 2x 16 flexible DALI group control
  • 2x64 flexible DALI single control
  • 2x 64 Independent emergency lighting (according to DALI standard EN 62386-202 Type 1)
  • 2x16 lighting scene
  • Flexible combination of two DALI outputs
  • Single / Group control and KNX monitoring

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